Minggu, 15 November 2009

ngeblog lagi

hey ya all! akhirnya gw ngeblog lagi setelah sekian lama gw ga ngeblog. skg lebih asik twitter abisnya ga ribett. tapi gw mau nge post dulu dikit. i've no idea grrr. ga penting aduh. udah 3 bulan maybe ya gw ga ngeblog ah boso amat gw emg ga sering ngeblog. nih i want to tell you about my life now. setelah gw ketakutan bulan2 awal kelas 3 gara gara 2012 yg untung skg udh gak hehe. oya sekarang akhirnya gw udh bisa remix lagu loh senengnya, haha target gw tahun depan pokoknya udh bisa bikin lagu sendiriii. ngmong2 bikin lagu sendiri sebenernya gw kayak janjian ama nyokap kalo gw bisa sampe 3 besar nyokap mau lesin gw les bikin lagu gt makanya gw langsung belajar mati2an. gue jg udh kelas 3 skg 4 bulan lg uan gabisa santai2 kaya waktu kelas 8 dulu harus dpt sma yg bokap gw pinginmakanya iytu hh lebih banyak beban sekarang. apapun itu harus tetap CERIA LALA ULALA. ugh whatever pokoknya stressss ngmg2 congrats buat bocinkuu yg jadian jg dara sheila lana anggie. yang selama 4 bulan ini udhh pada jadian. celamet yaaah maaf telat buat di blognya. pokoknya selamat yaa cvku yg semuanya udh pada jadian :)

Sabtu, 26 September 2009


udah lama bgt gue ga ngebolg soalnya semenjak punya bb gue jadi suka bgt ama yg namanya twitter haha jadinya deh update twitter aja deh terus. by the way skrg gue jd suka inget nabila ngmg "nad kalo gue punya slr pasti gue bikin deviant art", gara gara itu skrg gue jd bikin deviantart ternyata seru juga ya haha. deviantart gue natureinspiration.deviantart.com, gatau kenapa gue lg ga lg pgn pk naman nadiaamalia buat account gue mau lebih gmn gt jd deh gue plh nama natureinspiration gue gatau knp gara gara inget ijonya sawah kepikir id itu. abis lebaran gue di rmh terus bosen juga yah di rmh skg gue penat bgt di rmh bener2 pgn ke luar bulan depan gue liburaannn yippie tapi abis itu ada tes binus males juga deh. eh ngmg kapan ya ipod 3rd gen keluar gasabar pgn nyerbu apple store! segt aja dulu deh males ngetik2 byk pefel men

Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

take me out

sejak liburan gue suka bgt nih ntn take me out, soalnya fyi this show really entertain me! trus ada yg kocak gitu yg namnya lala ngmgnya ceplos ceplos bgt trus my parents really like this show too. jadi deh kalo ntnnya bareng bareng. seruu deh

Kamis, 09 Juli 2009

too much thinking and too much worrying

gini nih kebanyakan mikir jd setres sendiri kan, kata org org gue jgn kebayakan mikir, jgn mikir mikir yg ribet2 tp tetep aja gue mikir terus ah. gmn ya caranya help me please

happy birthday pa!

happy birthday to papa! tough i'm sad you getting older, wish you all the best. i always wish like that. because my dad is the one person who can make me calm when i'm scared, and always encourage me when i'm down! I LOVE YOU DAD!

Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

nikamti hidup

semangat muda!
masih muda harusnya ceria
i have a lot things to have fun
Love, friendship, challenge and many many!

nikamti hidup

semangat muda!
masih muda harusnya ceria
i have a lot things to have fun
Love, friendship, challenge and many many!

Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009


semangat ya nad, thank to all people who talking to me. because talking to people make me forget that things!


sebebnernya gue masih muda masih kecil kenapa jg harus udh takut, rasanya tuh gaenak bgt rasanya gue pengen teriak rasanya tuh sepi bgtt. ah gmn ya mau cerita tp takut jg cerita ke orang, rasanya gue bener bener stres bgt rasanya kyk ah sesah bgt di jelasin. kayaknya enak bgt liat org org enjoy bgt tp gue lg gak bisa padahal kmrn2 tuh gue bisa ya enjoy bgt kayak gt semenjak lusa kemaren gr gr baca tuh artikel sialan jd gue ketakutan gt harusnya gue ga pernah baca itu aja kali biar gue ga ketakutan walopun gr gr ketakutan gini gue jadi rajin solat bgt tapi tetep aja rasanya gmn sih kalo ketakutan. gue butuh bgt org yg bs nyemangatin gue rasanya semuanya lg hampa bgt di pikiran gue kyknya gada yg msk ke pikiran gue selain ketakutan. mau ketawa mikirnya hampa rasanya hampir sama kayak dulu tapi gue gamau kayak dulu lg ketakutan bgt sampe kayak org gila gue ga mau kayak gitu, gue gamau nangis2 sendiri kayak dulu. gue tau kalo cuma gue sendiri yg bisa ngatesin ini, tapi gue jg butuh suasana yg cheerish ga ky suasana rumah terus yg sepi. sampe sekarang gue coba buat mikir gue berani gue berani. tapi gue butuh bgt sesuatu buat numpahin rasa takut gue, buat nyebutin kenapa gue takut aja gue gak berani karena kalo gt gue bakal tambah takut lagi. gue cm butuh sesuatu yg hibur gue biar gue bs lupain takut gue, setiap gue megang dada pasti rasanya detaknya cepet bgt kayak abis olahraga gue udh ketakutan parah sampe kayak gitu, gue tau kalo gue takut terus malah bahaya buat gue sendiri. gue malah ngundang apa yg gue takutin itu. Ya Allah semoga aja takut ini ilang ya Allah biar gue bisa kyk biasa kyk kmrn kmrn aminnn

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

nose up

actually this is kinda freak thing but i really want to buy this one whatever other people say! and i already order this one and i just need to transfer money!!! but my mom kinda annoying! actually i didn't say what i want to buy, if she know i want to buy this she will not let me buy this. and i'm jeaolus with ayu which she say she already buy this thing. AAAAAAAAAAAAA I WANT BUY BUY

shoot nations(again)

this morning i got an email from shoot nations said it's only 1 onth again until shoot nations end. That's mean i must upload photo, and i started panic! i saw my slr pitcures document and i FOUND many good photo match for shoot nations competition, oh GOD thanks!! but the person in all my picture is my sister (FYI=my sister is kinda a "narsis" person) but thanks sister!


today gue puasaaa! sumpah ya laper bgttt, kayaknya perasaaan gue perut gue bunyi setiap berapa menit sekali anjrottt. trus gada kerjaaan lg bkn tgambah laper aja sumpah ah. trus nyokap gue gabisa di telpon tetek bengeeek padahal gue BUTUH TRANSFER DUIT!!!!!!!! sialalalalalalaallaal betek bgt

Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

bye 8.8

8.8 so many story with this class(iya ya?)
sbenernya gue ga begitu kyk 7.3 dulu gt sm nih kelas soalnya ga byk yg dr kelas 1 yg gue kenal gt. tp in this class i get more smarter(you know why(buat sela jgn kegeeran)
tapi gue betah bgt di kelas walopun kadang sela ama ayu rese abis(cth ke resean=psp gue dibw kabur gue nyariinnya sampe muter sekolah)hahha.
this is few of my class mates
Sheila, my chair mates
temen gue dr kelas satu trus dulu, kita doa gt biar sekelas dulu eh kebeneran sekelas, malah sebangku gt. tp sela tuh jail abis sukanya nyubitin orang trus jailin gue.tapi dia jg enak di jg cees-an(buat apanya you know what) HOHO.
Ayu, duduknya belakang gue
sukanya ketawa gajelas,menghayal tapi cukup menghibur. ayu nih pgn bgt jadi hollywood girls. saran gue yu lo belajar nyanyi sampe suara lo bagus trus kirim demo siapa tau jadi terkenal ya yu. oya ayu narsis bgt sela sk ngomel kalo ayuS kebanyakan foto di hpnya.
Sye, belakang sela sebelah ayu.
sye ini ratu BB, dimana ada sye pasti ada BBnya. plg sering BBnya ditaro di bwh saputangan. sye dulu nih orgnya ky detektif suka nyelidikin. dan pernah mimpi nemuin adam air. semoga lo nemuin beneran ya sye. oya syela rambutnya udh panjang loh

ahmad&dower&dito. ahmad yg udh bosen gue liatnya soalnya satu sd satu kelas dr kelas 7 dan tadinya satu les jg pis mad & dower yg itu sm *** ya ga?sukanya senyum2 mesem walopun nyadar bibirnya dower&dito yg mirip bgt sm badannya bantet ky sinchan


holiday? yeah i'm really happy when i heared that word. Holiday=i can go to somewhere outside my house=fun. But this holiday i'm really bored! my parents like busy with their own problem and my sister really busy studying for smptn. so that's mean no one in my house will ask me out for refreshing. if i go with my friend my mother will garrulous, she always answer "NO" if i ask her permission, she will said money thing! ah i always wish i'm a really rich women in the future and i can buy anything. so this holiday i always watch dvd(and my mom said "nonton terus kamu ya" ah gue pergi gaboleh trus ntn jg digituin trus gue harus belajar terus gt kalo gt nanti otak gue umur 20 thn bs bs sarafnya pts kali ya), because my IM2 modem really shit already over kuota, that's mean i can't searching youtube blogging and facebook(tough i really rarely blogging). ah i really want to go somewhere,just seeing place through tv just make me dreaming about it! but thanks to my cousin, she gave me some dvd to watch. Dvdnya kocak abisss sampe peerut gue mules ntnnya thanks mbaa

Kamis, 30 April 2009

shoot nations

today shoot nations 2009 contest start!
but i still wait for that shit email!


akhir akhir ini gue lg keasikan ngeplurk, cm kmrn gr gr internet gue kbnya abis yg udah jd ga ngeplurk beberapa hari rasanya kyk cacing kepansan nelponin sela ama nabila buat update plurk gue. pertama pertama gue disuruh sela bikin plurk tapi krn gue lg mls buka internet ya gue minta bikinin akhirnya nabila yg bikinin lama lama jd keasikan gt ya ahahah
trus plurk itu yg gue sk ada karma padahal yg kt tau karma itu dosa kalo ga karmasutra(apasih nad?gr gr bc femina di salon -___-). karma disini plus plus gt yg makin byk karma makin asik gt skrg karma gue udh lumayan byk sih. kmrn gue jg bikin twitter cm twitter tuh gajelas gt jd males maininnya gt. kalo mau bikin plurk ke www.plurk.com aja

Senin, 13 April 2009

comic and make over

because i don't have anything i must do, now i try to read comic in www.onemanga.com hmm but i still bored, and i have something realy interest me, i try to make over my sister face like hollywood celebrity, virtual actually. that's freak but this thing realy fun you can try in www.instyle.com upload your photo and tralala you can try beyonce, kate winslet, angelina jolie, taylor momsen and many many hollywood celebrity make up. you must try this one!


yippie, this weeks gue liburrrrrrrr. yah that's fun, because that mean gue ga ketemu MUJIYONO Mr. best in everything, he's my science teacher and he's very ANNOYING yayay igue ga perlu nyeritain kenapa gue blg dia gt gue rasa lo jg tau kali ya. hm but i realy bored in home, i tried to read book(akhir akhir ini garau kenapa gue sukanya novel yg mengkhayal gt sebenrnya imposible bgt di dunia gue yg membosankaaaaaaaaaaan, tapi lumayanlah just for fun tp efek sampingnya gue jd sk mengharapkan yang gak mungkin hahah. menjijikan hahah) but i still bored hee tapi gue ga nyadar pas gue lepas dr buku itu gue liat jam ternyata udh jam 3 aja dan gue langsung inget ternyata gue les gitaaaaaaaar, gue langsung panik gue udh lama telat 10 menitan gue langsung lari ky lg balapan kuda sumpah langsung ganti baju dr daster jd baju pergi, nah udh itu muka gue langsung mangap mangap(yg usually my friends ngetawain gue kalo lg mangap). langsung tlp nyokap, trus ternyata nyokap gue abis shopping brg temen temennya(fyi my mother can't stay just one day in home entah itu cm main atau belanja walaupun cm belanja risol ato pepaya)trus nyokap gue mulai ngerayu ngerayu gue buat ga les akhirnya gue kemakan jg rayuannya tp ada untungnya gr gr itu gue jadi dapet gitaar yes, gue bakal belajar lagu thinking of you yg sering gue sela ayu nyanyiin hahaha

Minggu, 12 April 2009

shoot nations 2009

hey everyone!
i want to join shoot nations 2009 contest, this is a photography contest. I love to take a photo because of that i want to join this contest. this is international contest, and in shoot nations 2008 1300 contestant from 104 country join this contest. mm hard to win this contest, but Lana bf said maybe i will win. hmm maybe i will win aminn

this is photo of shoot nations 2008 brief 2 winner (for 11-16 age)

i like this photo from the other winner photo. and my sister said this photo cool too. hm, i must take a better photo than this if i want to win hmm.
hope i can win! amin

billboard top ten

10. Miley cyrus-the climb. emotional song but still okay
9. The fray-you find me. i never hear this song actually
8. The-all american rejects- gives you the hell. haha funny video, you can click this to watch video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v98vBa9dmHA
7. kid cudi-day n nite
6. T.I ft Justin Timberlike- dead and gone. coool
Jamie Foxx Featuring T-Pain - blame it
4. Soulja boy Tell 'em ft Sammie- kiss me thru the phone
3. Flo rida- Right Round
2. Lady Gaga- Poker face. Awesome
1. The black eyed peas- Boom boom pow. cool sound editing

Kamis, 09 April 2009

confessions of a shopaholic(movie)

i watch this movie with my friend, sheila. First, i want to watched kambing jantan the movie, but kambing jantan he movie already played, and i must wait 1 hour or 2 hour. and finally i and sheila decided to watched this movie. and i realy enjoyed this movie, so funny!

but i think isla fisher doesn't match with becky bloomwood character, i think becky bloomwood is blonde not red hair like isla fisher(just my opinion). but i like isla fisher, she play the role well. oh ya isla fisher already have a baby (olive cohen). i saw it in ok! magazine

this is isla fisher with her fiance, sacha baron cohen(writer,director,actor). sacha baron cohen listed in the 50 smartest people in hollywood number 34

and hugh dacy as luke brandon, hugh dacy realy match with luke brandon character (charming). i realy like hugh dancy and when i was in grade 4, i already watched hugh dancy movie "ella enchanted" in here hugh dancy play as prince char with anne Hathaway as ella a frella, in both movie hugh dacy always charming! and hugh play in tempo but i don't like hugh in here. hugh is british, you can see in his movie how he speak "very british". he's 33 now


most favourite book in this week is confessions of a shopaholic. first time, i saw this book thought this didn't really interesting but when i read this, this book sooo great! and so funny, this series have 5 books, (confessions of shopaholic, shopaholic takes Manhattan, shopaholic ties the knot, shopaholic and sister, and the last shopaholic & baby).

confessions of a shopaholic:

Rebecca Bloomwood lives in a flat in fashionable Fulham, London, thanks to to her flatmate, Suze, being wealthy, and is a financial journalist for the magazine Successful Savings, a job she says all who work in it say they "fell into," while in fact being unable to get better jobs. The job bores her. Becky admits to actually knowing very little about personal finance as she is thousands of pounds in debt as is evidenced by a run through of her Visa card bill, and uncontrollably spends on designer home ware, clothes and beauty products. The book emphasises that this is the condition of many debtors, as Becky still receives letters offering her credit and store cards. She often rationalises her overspending, for instance by referring to items as an 'investment' or necessary.

On her way to a press conference held by Brandon Communications, Becky notices a sale sign in the window of the Denny and George shop. She sees that the scarf she has long craved for is on sale at a discount of 50%. Becky sees this as a unique opportunity but realizes that she has left her Visa card at the office and asks the shop assistant to reserve the scarf until she can retrieve her credit card.

Upon arriving at the press conference, she is greeted by a staffer of Brandon Communications, who mentions that there's been some surprising news in the banking field and asks Becky her opinion on the news. Becky has no idea what the woman is referring to and has to feign knowledge. After the staffer leaves, Luke Brandon, head of Brandon Communications, realizing that she was feigning knowledge of what was happening, tells her that one financial group recently bought another, and it was recently rumored that Flagstaff Life was going the same way.

Halfway through the conference Becky is given another errand by her employer and realizes that she will not have time to return to the office for her credit card, but only needs twenty pounds more to buy her Denny & George scarf. She asks her friend Elly Granger if she can borrow some money, but Elly has none. Luke hears Becky ask for twenty pounds, and stops the whole Press Conference just so he can hand a twenty pound note to her, once she has made up a story of needing the money to buy a present for her aunt who is in hospital. When she has bought the Denny & George scarf she bumps into Luke Brandon and has to make excuses to leave, before he finds out that she's lied.

Later on during the week, Becky's flatmate Suze asks her to go to a restaurant with her and her cousins, including Tarquin. There, Becky sees Luke and his parents having dinner. The mother comments on Becky's scarf, and she blabs about getting it as a bargain. Then she realizes her mistake, and tells a suspicious Luke that her aunt died.

Luke runs into Becky after that and asks her to come shopping with him at Harrods. Initially she really enjoys shopping with him for luggage and goes up and down the shop wheeling around the luggage playfully, helping Luke choose the best purchase. After he reveals that the luggage is actually for his girlfriend-Sacha, Becky is very upset, telling Luke that she feels he's used her and not treated her with respect.

Suze and Becky happen to be flicking through a magazine and see a list of eligible millionaires. Tarquin is one of the wealthiest there, but also on the list happens to be Luke Brandon.Tarquin compliments Becky on her scarf and she continues the pretense that it's from her deceased aunt. She further embroiders that her aunt had set up a charity for children abroad to be given violin teachers. Tarquin writes out a check for £5000, which would solve Becky's financial problems, but she feels she can't possibly accept it, and painfully refuses. While Tarquin is at the bar Becky sneaks a look at his checkbook, wondering if a millionaire gets to buy a lot of lavish items. The content isn't extraordinary. Tarquin returns and Becky is sure he saw her looking at the checkbook.

While hiding from her bank manager at her parent's house, lying to them when he calls and saying he is a stalker, Becky learns that her next door neighbors made a financial decision based on advice that Becky had absentmindedly given them and stand to miss out on thousands of pounds in a windfall resulting from a bank takeover. The bank had sent an offer of a carriage clock to people who would get the windfall, if they change their account to a different plan. The bank know of the planned takeover and upcoming windfall, while the customers do not, but if they accept the plan for which they are offered a gift, the customers will not receive the windfall. Becky is horrified by being partly culpable for her mother's neighbors losing out, and sets out to make things right by writing an article that exposes the bank's duplicity. The article is a success, and leads to Becky getting a regular slot on daytime television, after the argument between her and Brandon Communications being broadcast there, in which Luke Brandon steps down and ceases to represent the firm.

Luke Brandon invites Becky out for a seeming business dinner at the Ritz Hotel. When Becky arrives at their meeting, business is not on the agenda and instead they eat their fill of the food, including a selection of all the puddings they liked the sound of, and then end up spending the night at the Ritz together. Becky has to miss yet another meeting arranged with her bank manager, but he writes and tells her this can be postponed, as due to her regular slot on television, her finances are now rosy. But the bank manager, Derek Smeath, will continue to keep an eye on her account.

if you want to know another book plot you can search at google.com

if you don't like to read all of these book you can watch "confessions of a shopaholic" adapts the two books (confessions of shopaholic and shopaholic takes Manhattan)

the film plot:

Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) moves to Manhattan to nurture her shopping addiction and gets involved in the New York City magazine world. She has spent almost $1000 in a month, when she discovers a fashionable green scarf, she doesn't have enough money to buy it and borrows money from a man on the street. When she interviews with Luke Brandon, the editor of the magazine Successful Saving, she finds that he is the man from whom she had borrowed money.

Frustrated by her lack of success, she writes drunken letters to Alette magazine and Successful Saving, but she posts each one to the wrong magazine. Nevertheless, Luke Brandon hires her. Then, rather than completing a work assignment, she goes to a clothes sale. When examining an expensive cashmere pullover she realizes that it is 5% cashmere and 95% acrylic. She writes her column, calling herself "the Girl with the Green Scarf".

Impressed, her boss, Luke, invites her to a conference in Miami and an important ball. While shopping for the ball, Luke asks what she thinks of him. Rebecca says he is a workaholic and not a good investment. At a restaurant, another woman, Alicia, asks Luke to the ball.

Rebecca learns that Luke is the son of the famous socialite Eleonor Sherman and that he knows a lot about clothes. At the ball the two share a romantic moment on the roof.

Rebecca returns home to confrontations with a bill collector and her best friend Suze, who makes her join a Shopaholic-group. She is later being publicly accused of not paying her debts live on a TV show and as a consequence loses her job. Though Luke is hurt that Rebecca has lied to him, he still finds her a source of inspiration.

Rebecca decides to sell all of her clothes, but hesitates over the green scarf. A blond woman and a woman talking on a telephone begin a bidding war over the scarf. The sale is a success, making it possible for her to repay her debt.

Rebecca and Luke come together, with Luke returning her the green scarf – he was the person behind both bidders. During the credits, Rebecca ends up working for Luke's new magazine, writing articles such as "Confessions of a Shopaholic".

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009

my new...........

yeaaaaah, udah lama gue ga posting blog lagi. i'm posting in my blog rarely because i dont have any idea to my posting. tapi sekarang i'm here for posting because........... yap gue punya penemuan baru. penemuan bodoh pastinya, cause i'm not gifted to be a professor like mr.enstein-big-brain do. penemuan gue ga jauh jauh dari... makanan karena gue ini sua makan. so this is my story

this saturday gue ga kemanamana like my usually saturday, this is bacause my stupid elecrity in my home, broken and my home very dark like in a jungle yeeh. soo.. karena itu gue mengahbiskan waktu dengan berpacaran sama laptop. dengan penerangan seaadanya(yaampun sedih amat rumah gue kaya di jaman batu aja). ga lama setelah itu, my stupid elecritu in moy home turn on again yippieeeeee! karena gue mulai ngerasa kepanasain jadi gue nyalain ac, nah abis itu gue kebawah mau makan tapi karena suatu alesan gue jadi gabisa makan padahal sumpah gue laper abisss! and with hungry sound in my stomach gue kembali berpacaran di laptop sambil bikin video gj gitulah. nah brengseknya si youtube itu dia gamau nerima video gue. i try again again again but youtube still refuse my video, cause wrong format video etc. until 00.00 i still trying to upload my video to youtube and ac in my room getting cold very cold. gue kan ga pake selimut tuh ya, my feet like brrrrr and like stiff feet(cold). lalu hungry sound in my stomach ringing again. jadi inti nya dari cerita ini gue baru tau kalo gue kedinginan perut gue yg malang jg jadi ikt kelaperan. hm if i lost in antartica and cant go back to my home, gmn ya? can i go back with full-healty body?and how my stomach feel ya?i sopasti gue bakal kelaperan banget tuh ya dan karena itu gue kepepet trus makan pinguin kali ya. whateverlah, i wish i never lost in antartica when i still live amin. oke udah dulu ya cerita gj gue dadadh

Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

1 lagi...

yes, lama banget ya gue ga ngeblog lagi. Now i just want to telling my story in this boring life.

hm in this semester i will make big change of my life, i will change my bad habit to good habit. that is niat gue for this semester. second gue berniat buat ngurusin badan yaa this is because my mother, she always said "badan udah kaya karet" bla bla dan sejenisnya.

Pertama saat gue ngejejakin kaki di sekolah everyhing didn't change just like ususally, then when i went to my classroom everything still same. and my friend still like same too oh ya except faza, her bang longer than before.

ternyataa, besoknyaaa...... my friend, who sit behind me CHANGE, you know why i say like that? because she is going crazy. she is now addict to someone yang udh ga asing di telinga gue because my oldfriend adalah fans beratberatnya. the example for her addict to *** she is make a song dari adegan film itu aduh you know what ala aserehe hahhahaha, and then she always practice with that scene, gue pikir kalo itu bisa berguna deh kalo lo mau ikutan casting hhahahha. nah because of that, gue sama temen sebangku gue udah apal adegan itu malah... jadi suka jadi ngulangin adegan itu hahhah. i'm sorry yu i dont have any idea for blogging so i write about you okay?