Selasa, 30 Juni 2009


holiday? yeah i'm really happy when i heared that word. Holiday=i can go to somewhere outside my house=fun. But this holiday i'm really bored! my parents like busy with their own problem and my sister really busy studying for smptn. so that's mean no one in my house will ask me out for refreshing. if i go with my friend my mother will garrulous, she always answer "NO" if i ask her permission, she will said money thing! ah i always wish i'm a really rich women in the future and i can buy anything. so this holiday i always watch dvd(and my mom said "nonton terus kamu ya" ah gue pergi gaboleh trus ntn jg digituin trus gue harus belajar terus gt kalo gt nanti otak gue umur 20 thn bs bs sarafnya pts kali ya), because my IM2 modem really shit already over kuota, that's mean i can't searching youtube blogging and facebook(tough i really rarely blogging). ah i really want to go somewhere,just seeing place through tv just make me dreaming about it! but thanks to my cousin, she gave me some dvd to watch. Dvdnya kocak abisss sampe peerut gue mules ntnnya thanks mbaa

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