Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

1 lagi...

yes, lama banget ya gue ga ngeblog lagi. Now i just want to telling my story in this boring life.

hm in this semester i will make big change of my life, i will change my bad habit to good habit. that is niat gue for this semester. second gue berniat buat ngurusin badan yaa this is because my mother, she always said "badan udah kaya karet" bla bla dan sejenisnya.

Pertama saat gue ngejejakin kaki di sekolah everyhing didn't change just like ususally, then when i went to my classroom everything still same. and my friend still like same too oh ya except faza, her bang longer than before.

ternyataa, besoknyaaa...... my friend, who sit behind me CHANGE, you know why i say like that? because she is going crazy. she is now addict to someone yang udh ga asing di telinga gue because my oldfriend adalah fans beratberatnya. the example for her addict to *** she is make a song dari adegan film itu aduh you know what ala aserehe hahhahaha, and then she always practice with that scene, gue pikir kalo itu bisa berguna deh kalo lo mau ikutan casting hhahahha. nah because of that, gue sama temen sebangku gue udah apal adegan itu malah... jadi suka jadi ngulangin adegan itu hahhah. i'm sorry yu i dont have any idea for blogging so i write about you okay?

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